Tag Archives: Easter

Holy Week Writer’s Block

Holy Week is here, in fact, it is nearly half over. And I’ve had writer’s block…


Holy week is always difficult for me. It requires slowing down, careful reflection, and walking a road I’d rather not travel. One of sadness. One of suffering. I’d rather distract myself with work or important things like Facebook and Twitter. However, busyness is not conducive to the lessons found in Holy Week. Only by slowing down can we join in the walk towards Calvary. Believe me, this is a not a walk I enjoy! But it is necessary. I’d love to keep my life nice and loud, get lost in the distraction of the noise, and then join in the joyful celebration of Easter Sunday. But that leaves the story incomplete and void of its true meaning. I must slow down in order to gather at the table where Jesus offered His body and blood as a new covenant with God the Father. I must slow down in order to grasp the reality of the cross on Good Friday and I must slow down to grieve on Holy Saturday. I can’t hear God’s voice speak words of life and love through all of the noise. The celebration of Easter Sunday isn’t nearly as meaningful without the sorrow of Friday and Saturday. To truly join in the celebration, I must also join in the suffering and understand Jesus’ sacrifice. We simply can’t have one without the other. So it’s time to slow down, be quiet, eliminate distractions, listen, and observe. Holy week writer’s block may be a good thing after all…